

Digital Sundai strives to improve the performance of organizations through Digital and AI. We believe that when done in the right way this will enable a better society for all.  Founded in 2019 in Amsterdam Digital Sundai is a company providing Digital & AI solutions consultancy. The organization is designed as a modern day digital solution provider to provide the best service to its clients:

    • Digital & AI consultancy
    • Agile, responsibility low in the hierarchy, customer centric, innovative, and tech savvy 
    • Data driven
    • Open & networked organization



Robin Zondag founded Digital Sundai. He is a digital & AI service industry veteran with more than 20 years of supporting corporate customers to improve their performance. From global responsibility to develop the Atos – Google Cloud AI business, to leading AI & Analytics consulting,  to setting up the Digital Transformation practice in Benelux & the Nordics.


Digital Sundai employs a small high quality entrepreneurial team of Digital business consultants, AI & Data scientists and ML / Data engineers to support clients in a standardized way-of-working, innovate solutions & services, build the network and ensure quality outcomes. All services to customers are delivered in cooperation with our network partners to be able to achieve the best results for our clients. Digital Sundai distinguishes solution partners, project partners and content partners.

    • Solution partners are companies and freelancers we work closely with to innovate, develop solutions & services and deliver projects
    • Project partners are companies and freelancers we work with to deliver specific projects. Digital platforms for resourcing play a key role.
    • Content partners are organizations we work with to innovate, e.g. universities.